I was robbed! (A guide to resilience.) - Queen of Manifestation

I was robbed! (A guide to resilience.)

I had just spent the most incredible day at Nassau, Bahamas without once glancing at my phone to check in. I was completely in the moment – soaking up the beauty around me with my love.

It was our first vacation alone since we had our daughter. And while I’ve enjoyed bringing her around the world with us to Africa, Europe and beyond – this vacation was a welcome addition.

But when I got back to our cruise ship, I thought I should check my cell phone – just in case my parents had gotten in touch about our daughter – who we lovingly left with them while we went away.

So back in our state room, I check my phone. And to my surprise, I see a text message from my bank asking me if I had made a withdrawal from an ATM in Canada that day.

Um… NO! I was in the Caribbean. How could that have happened?

At first, I was confused. And then I got very upset. So I took a deep breath, and made time to deal with the situation and call my bank.

An investigation was set into motion. And while it definitely threw me off, I was committed to staying in a high vibrational state. After all, we had just had one of THE best days ever.

So here’s what I did to stay grounded and positive in the face of adversity:

1. Practice Gratitude.

First, I was grateful for the day and everything we had just experienced. I had touched my first live star fish, I laid on a hammock in the palm trees, I swam in the clear blue water with my love, we went to the most amazing authentic restaurant, we drank piña coladas from fresh coconuts on the beach, it was my first cruise, we had just spent 2 months in Europe…


I was just naming everything I was grateful for in my mind.

2. The next step was asking myself: What was good about the situation?

Instead of freaking out about not having access to my money – I realized this couldn’t have happened at a more perfect time. After all, I was on a cruise ship and everything was paid for! We were completely taken care of. There was nothing that I needed to buy for the next few days.

Instead of seeing this as an obstacle, I chose to view it as an opportunity.

3. What was the opportunity in this?

For me, it was a chance to share and ask for support. If I kept my emotions bottled up on the inside, I would have ended up angry and resentful. This was the first time that anything like this had happened to me. But as I shared with friends on the cruise ship, they told me that they too had had their accounts compromised. And by sharing, it made me feel like I wasn’t alone.

You’re not alone!

These 3 steps helped me enormously! I was able to enjoy the rest of our cruise. Yes, my mind went there a few times, but I was able to bring it back to the present.

4. Focus on enjoying the present moment.

The past is the past and we can’t change it. We can only change our current experiences – which will make a positive impact on our future ones.

The next day, we went to a private island and I laid on a beach chair in the water by myself with no one around. I felt calm and peaceful. I saw my first live conch. Tropical fish swam by me. I walked along the beach with my love and felt the support from the universe. I picked up a shell on the beach as a reminder.


Use a sacred grounding object!

If you don’t already have one, you can infuse meaning into something that you pick up or that you discover in your home. It could be a stone, a bracelet, a candle, a shell… Hold or light it when you need a reminder that you are supported. For more info on how to use sacred grounding objects, you can read my post about them here.

Fast forward to a few days after the cruise.

We met back up with my parents and our daughter at the beach where they were staying while we were away. Then we came home to New York. We had been traveling all summer. First – almost 2 months in Europe, and then a week away at the beach and on our cruise. We were only home for a day or so in between trips.

When we got back to our home, we had discovered it had been broken into.

We had been robbed!

What?! All this after an amazing time away?

All this after I had just dealt with my account being compromised?

Why now?

It felt like it couldn’t have gotten any worse.

Why was this happening to us?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

At this point, I had to do some more reflection.

Yes, we called the police. Yes, there’s an investigation. Yes, we lost some irreplaceable items including heirlooms from my late mother-in-law.

But in the end, we are all fine.

Again – I went back to my simple steps to ground me.

And there’s a first step that I didn’t mention before:


Then go through the process of asking yourself these questions:

1. What am I grateful for?

I’m grateful we weren’t home at the time of the break in. We were all safe and healthy. I’m grateful my love was on an earlier flight home and got there before us so that my daughter didn’t have to experience the energy of the discovery. I’m grateful that more wasn’t taken and that I had my computer and my camera with me.

2. What’s good about the situation?

Well, the obvious one was that now there was a connection between the robbery and my account being compromised.

After being robbed, you feel violated and uneasy in your surroundings. Your home is linked to your first chakra – your roots, your base. It keeps you grounded. So I knew I needed to stay grounded here and find peace with the robbery in order to maintain it in my life.

And I must admit this was a challenge. Even for me!

I also didn’t mention that my love had planned a trip to Nigeria right when we got back. It was to work on our green school that we’re creating there with our team. But we ended up canceling it as soon as we heard the news about the Ebola outbreak. We did this at the airport BEFORE we got home and discovered the robbery.

We had at first been disappointed in the apparent setback of the project. But when I thought about what was good about the situation – I realized I was so lucky he wasn’t going out of town. I wanted him home with us while we recovered. And I’m so glad he’s here with me now.

3. What is the opportunity in the situation?

This one is major. We saw this as an opportunity to re-evaluate where we live. There were pre-existing problems with our current living situation and things we had put on the back-burner and not addressed about our house. This was an opportunity to address them and decide if we want to stay here and improve them, or envision a new home. Stay tuned for a future post on what we decided!

So – if you’ve had something stolen from  you – whether it be a robbery, an account compromise, or simply someone copying your idea – know that you’re not alone and there are proven ways to get out of the negative headspace and get back into your high vibrational flow.

4. Don’t seek revenge. Instead, get happy!

After all of this happened, I had a phone call with a woman who is looking to manifest an amazing book and online program. I won’t give it away until she’s ready to reveal it to the universe – but let me just say that the sentence above is the core of it all. As we were talking and I was guiding her in the steps to take in order to make her projects real, I was amazed at how the universe also brought her to me at the perfect time. It was like I needed to hear her message just as much as she needed to hear mine. And it was a beautiful reminder!

Why did my thoughts go to seeking revenge on the people who wronged me? These thoughts are only negative emotions that would keep me stuck in the negative.

Instead of focusing on the people who did this to me and what went wrong, I chose to focus on me – and what I was manifesting.

And let me tell you, this works like magic!

I made a commitment to have fun.

Go out and play!

Ask yourself what makes you happy?

This weekend we had two full adventure days with our family. We went to a museum to see exhibits by 3 of our favorite artists, and to an all-day festival with live music, martial arts, crafts, boat rides, and food.

And our vibrations have been lifted!

It doesn’t have to cost you a penny. But you can do something right now to lift your spirits! Going out in nature is a good one.

Now I’m even more inspired about what I’m creating for the Queen of Manifestation. I’m way more motivated to get it out there. I know that what I’m working on next is going to have a HUGE impact. And I have even more conviction as to why you need the information and experiences I’m bringing out into the world.

What I just went through allowed me to connect deeper with all of you. No matter how tough of a situation you’re in right now, you have the ability to shift out of it.

I know firsthand how important mindset is in shifting your circumstances. It is powerful.

YOU are powerful.

You are resilient!

Your thoughts can create a whole new reality.

Yes – things show up – sometimes in the most surprising moments.

No, we can’t always control what shows up. But we can control how we react to it – and what positive change can come from it.

Remember, change is a natural law of the universe. And sometimes we need these obstacles to show up in order to show us where there’s resistance.

These obstacles point out what currently isn’t working in our lives in order to bring us to the next level.

For me, I had just come off of a huge ride. Things are going pretty well for me. I’m experiencing more success, love and freedom than I ever have.

And the robbery was a sign that I was upper-limiting.

It was an opportunity to clear. And I’m excited about the clearing! I’m excited about the changes I’m creating.

You see, if you stay in the same place continually taking the same actions, you will never experience anything new. 

You’re most likely reading this because you’re ready to experience something different!

You want to uplevel & manifest your biggest dreams.

So ask yourself – What currently isn’t working in my life or business? And more importantly, what action am I going to take to change it?

Share it in the comments below.

We can all benefit from the support of this community.

Have a friend who could benefit from this message? Share this with them.

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Check out this guide to resilience from the Queen of Manifestation @jenmazer.

Sending you so much LOVE!

xoxo, Jen

P.S. If you want more help manifesting your vision, I’d love to support you. I have one spot open for private coaching. Check out my work with me page to learn more and apply before it fills up. I love helping heart-based entrepreneurs bring their great work into the world.

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What You Must Do before New Years + My Personal List - Queen of Manifestation Reply

[…] moved. Twice. (After getting robbed.) I sold my apartment in the East Village when I was pregnant, and since then we’ve been […]

Audrey at HeatherStrang.com Reply

I remember when my car was broken into, some items stolen, as well as a book of checks while my husband and were away on a trip for the weekend. I felt violated. I wondered why someone would want to do this to another person. And wasn’t just the one weekend. For over a year later I was dealing with the calls from stores over my checks bouncing because my bank immediately closed that account, but my contact info was on the checks. I had to contact every store, send them the police report, a notarized statement, over and over again. There was even a warrant out for my arrest in one county because of how many fraudulent checks this person wrote!
I was thankful for the support my family and husband gave me, and even very thankful for how my bank helped me every step along the way. I remember feeling like I wanted revenge on this person, and even hoped they would be arrested soon, but then I looked at what they were writing the fraudulent checks for: they were buying groceries. Groceries! They kept moving through quickly, but kept buying groceries. For some reason, seeing that, I couldn’t be mad anymore. I then hoped they would find a job of their own so they could pay for their own groceries and stop making these stores angry with fraudulent checks. Once I started to feel that way, all of the calls from new stores stopped, it just stopped.
Now, many years later, after working with Heather Strang on connecting to our souls and desires, I am manifesting more wealth and ability to help buy groceries for the local Food Bank and Soup Kitchens, and that is such an amazing feeling! I don’t know if it was because the fraudulent checks, but they are connected somehow!

    jen Reply

    I hear you Audrey! What a beautiful way you were able to transform your feelings of revenge into empathy and understanding – and now giving back to the community. Sending you love!

Sarah White Reply

So glad you and your family iare safe and still pushing on! You got this! Reading this was very inspiring and helps to keep things in perspective. Everything can be a challenge to live fuller and stay in higher frequencies. Thanks lady!

    jen Reply

    Thanks Sarah! Here’s to staying in higher frequencies! xoxo

Anik Reply

This story is so powerful Jen. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. And your perspective is very inspiring. You really connected with yourself and the universe after this event to understand why it occurred and what is the next step for you and your family. Thank you for inspiring us to realize that we can continue to manifest things in our lives and that we don’t have to stay complacent… it is okay to uplevel. Lots of love to you and your family, Anik

    jen Reply

    Yes Anik! New mantra: “It is safe for me to uplevel.” 🙂 xoxo

Robin Reply

OMG! Jen, first of all I’m so glad you and your family are ok! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Even when we’re manifesting amazing things life may not always be sunshine and roses. How we react to the bad things is completely within our control and we can still be in a high vibration even when something bad has happened. Such an important lesson. 🙂


    jen Reply

    Aww thank you Robin! Yes, so true. We can still be in high vibration when something bad has happened. 🙂 xoxo

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