What To Do When Life Throws You a Curveball - Queen of Manifestation

What To Do When Life Throws You a Curveball

How I dealt with my iPhone being Stolen right out of my hands…

Do you ever leave the house on such a high that you just feel like skipping down the street? Things are going so well for you that you want to celebrate all that you’ve accomplished.  You’re so in the flow! …Or so you thought, until life throws you a curveball.

It always seems to happen when you least expect it.  Like you walk out the door to go to your favorite concert and discover that your bike was stolen.  Or you’re totally in love in what you thought was the perfect relationship, only to find out your man’s been cheating on you.  You finally scored the perfect job, and then your computer breaks down…  Can you relate?

Well, it happened to me this past Monday.  My iPhone was stolen right out of my hands with no warning. After taking my baby to the local playground to go swinging, I put her in the stroller, pulled out my phone to check the time, and decided to read an email.  It was a reply to my Top 10 Tools You Must Have to Start Manifesting Now.  And I was feeling really good.  My daughter had made a new friend and had a fabulous time at the park, and someone had just told me how much they appreciated my E-book.

The next thing I knew, my iPhone was ripped out of my hands by 2 little boys riding by on a bicycle.  It was so surreal. I started to run after them with the stroller. They rounded the corner, and then they were gone.  My iPhone had been stolen.  It was the craziest thing. I hadn’t left my phone lying somewhere unattended.  It was in my hands.  How could this have happened? And to me?! I’m the Queen of Manifestation! Have you ever found yourself asking those same questions? What do you do when life throws you a curveball? 

Well here’s what I did… Once I came to terms with the situation, I accepted what had happened.  I took a few deep breaths.  I calmly walked a few blocks to the local police precinct to report it.  As I walked, I reflected on all that was still okay in the moment. It was such a blessing to have my baby there with me.  She kept me grounded. She had no idea what had just happened. She was so excited by the new experience of being in the police station and all of the attention she was getting.  She was bouncing up and down, and clapping her hands with the biggest smile.  It was the reminder I needed that all was fine and perfect in that moment.  We were happy and healthy, and her amazing daddy met us there and kept us company all afternoon.  We were surrounded by love. It’s important to focus on gratitude when something goes wrong.  I had a beautiful partner who loved me so much and was so concerned when I called him, that he came to the police station right away.  I had a beautiful daughter who was full of life and curiousity and joy.  We had left completely unharmed.  And my cell phone was insured!  Plus we got to know our local police officers, which may come in handy one day.  They even gave us their direct phone number to call if we ever needed anything.

It took 5 days for my replacement to come.  And I have to say, it was kind of nice not having a cell phone.  When I travel to other countries, I’m not always available.  It reminded me of being in the ashram in India for a month when I got my yoga teacher’s training. I like purposefully taking retreats from my phone.  I’ve become so attached to it lately that I was feeling anxious whenever it wasn’t around.  My week without it gave me the opportunity to reflect on my relationship with my phone. I noticed that I usually look at emails while nursing my daughter.  I would check the clock or browse facebook status updates, and I wasn’t giving her my full attention.  I saw this as an opportunity to make a positive change.  My phone being stolen was a blessing-in-disguise, a phone vacation that I hadn’t realized I needed.  I made a commitment to change some of the habits around my phone once I got a replacement.

I’m now making a conscious effort to avoid using my phone while playing with my daughter and nursing her.  Now that I have it back, I know that I don’t need my phone. I am fine without it. I had unwillingly practiced non-attachment.  One of the keys to manifesting!

The next time life throws you a Curveball, try Practicing these 5 Steps:

  1. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Notice what is still okay in the moment.
  3. Think of all that you’re grateful for.
  4. Ask yourself what can you learn from this situation.
  5. Reflect, and make a commitment to take Action that will bring positive change to your life.
Do you have any tips on how you’ve dealt with a sticky situation? I’d love to hear your feedback!  Leave a comment below with what YOU do when life throws you a curveball.


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Halloween & Hurricanes Reply

[…] you so much love and a reminder to focus on the positive. Be grateful for what you do still have. (See my post about this.) And if you weren’t directly affected, remember giving is a courageous act that is always […]

Raquel Wilson-Sow Reply

Thanks for sharing the events of that day. I had been wondering how it all went down and what happened after. Glad you only took away the good!

    jen Reply

    Thanks Raquel. Yep – I had to focus on the good to get through it! And the 5 days without a phone turned into a nice little communication vacation 😉

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