Manifesting Peace?There’s a beautiful Desmond Tutu quote: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”This is not a time to be silent. It’s a time to spread love.With the devastating news around the world, it’s a time of deep pain and sadness for many people around the

Manifesting Peace?

How to Manifest with Mercury Retrograde
Here it is – Mercury Retrograde. Manifesting in Mercury Retrograde doesn’t have to be as scary as it sounds… This retrograde period gives us time and space to really examine our motivations, beliefs and goals. It’s the perfect time to dig deep, focus on yourself, and consider ways that you want to improve your life and realign

How to Deal with Resistance
Resistance. Let’s face it. We all experience resistance at one point or another. Maybe you’re dealing with it right now. I was resisting earlier today. I’m in the middle of writing my first book, and I was resisting setting aside the time to sit down and write it. I’m actually really excited about the book!

Strategies for Getting Clear on Your Vision
Can you believe it’s mid-December already? And it’s about this time of year that we all start to think about setting goals for the next year. So do you know what you want? I mean, what you really, REALLY want to manifest? For a lot of people, that’s a hard question to answer. But if

The Oprah Effect
Yesterday, after an event for women entrepreneurs put on by a friend, I left feeling inspired. I was on a high from connecting with other women who shared my same passion and enthusiasm for what they were doing in the world. So I did what all women do when they’re feeling inspired! I stopped and

How to Have a Consistent Practice
Okay, time to admit it… I’m not perfect. There, I said it. And do you know what? It’s so liberating! Yes, I’m the Queen of Manifestation, but I too fall off the wagon sometimes. I don’t always do every single thing that I know I’m “supposed” to do. And it wasn’t that long ago

5 Easy Steps to Deal with Disappointment
No matter what a great planner you are, how well you write out your intentions, and how much action you take towards your dreams, there’s thing that’s sure to happen in your life… at least once. And that’s Disappointment. You could have gone for a great job interview only to find out they gave the

Should you focus on the Big Dream or the one right in front of you?
If you’re anything like me, you have big, Big, BIG dreams for yourself. But you also probably have a bunch of smaller dreams, or opportunities that are right in front of you now. And they may or may not be related to that big dream – You know, the one your heart does a little

Your Completion List
There’s a crucial step in manifesting that is often overlooked. And that is: Making space for that which you desire. This Blue Moon – the once in a lifetime Full Moon that happened on Friday – is still energetically affecting us for the next 2 weeks. And this is the perfect time to do

The Positive Side of Receiving a ‘No’
I recently manifested a first class flight from NYC to San Francisco AND a hotel stay in LA. And I didn’t pay for them! How, you might ask? Well, by first receiving a No. You see, I had other plans. And they were just fine. …But things didn’t go as planned. And because I received

How to Use a Nature Walk for Manifesting
Ah, I’m coming to you today from beautiful Sausalito, California. I just had to make a video for you while I was staying on a gorgeous houseboat in a secret garden community on the water. I came out to California on business, and it was so refreshing to stay in a place so intricately connected

How to Overcome Jealousy
Okay.. Let’s talk about it. We’ve all experienced it. But it’s not always the most pleasant feeling in the world: Jealousy. I’m talking major life and business envy. What happens when you find yourself jealous of other people’s success and then judging your own? Usually it’s a downward spiral. In fact I was