Okay so admit it, a little extra money wouldn’t be so bad, right?
No matter where you are in your life, money somehow equates freedom.
The freedom to live the life you want to live… To travel when you’d like, to treat yourself to the best organic food you can find, hire that babysitter, live in the house that suits your needs… you name it.
The amount of money that you have is a direct correlation to your relationship with money.
Yep – I like to think of money as simply an exchange of value. And the more you’re aware of your own flow of money, the better relationship you have with it.
Think of your money as your boyfriend. Would you ignore your boyfriend if he was talking to you and sending you love letters in the mail? You’d open those love letters (re: bills) and you’d know exactly how much money you have in your bank account, on your credit cards, and in your wallet.
The more you pay attention to your money, the more it will grow. [Tweet this.]

Photo courtesy of Images_of_Money
I recently attended the NYC book launch of Kate Northrup Moller’s ‘Money, A Love Story’.
Kate is a kindred spirit. I absolutely LOVE what she is up to in the world, and her message about money is SO important. If you haven’t gotten her book yet, I highly encourage you to check it out. And take her money quiz. Wow – just that in and of itself is amazing.
(And no, I’m not an affiliate. I just want to spread the love. Because seriously, I’ve taken a lot of money courses – and this book is ON the money.)
Here’s a picture of me and Kate from her launch.
So you may have gotten this from Kate’s book title, but just to reiterate:
Money loves attention. It’s waiting on you to take charge of your financial situation.
If you haven’t opened a credit card bill in months because you’re too scared to see how much you owe, how do you ever expect to get a handle on your finances and pay off that debt?
Trust me, I was there.
I paid off over $38,000 of debt, and it all started with finally coming to terms with what I owed.
I sat down and listed out each balance on each card. Wow – I hadn’t realized that I actually had that much debt. But instead of feeling overwhelmed by the number, I felt empowered! I finally came to terms with my finances and hired a money coach to get me started. Once I did that, in less than a year I was debt-free! All that it took was me facing my fears and actually taking charge of my financial situation.
It’s time to organize your finances.
Below I have some awesome tips for manifesting more money and empowering your relationship with it.
How To Take Charge of your Money:
#1. Take a look at the money you have right now.
Get out a piece of paper. If you have debts, write down the specific amount of money you owe for each card, or each loan. Put a – sign in front of the money you owe. Underneath, list every bank account you have and how much is in it. Add in any other investments, stocks and bonds and write their amounts to the right of them. Then total them up. If you don’t have any money on your credit cards, great!
#2. Simplify your spending. (Aka. Set up a budget.)
Another fabulous piece of paper, please!
Look at all of your monthly expenses and list them out on the left side of the paper. Then write in the amount on the right side. Total up all of your expenses, and this is the minimum you need to make each month. Set it up so that you get a surplus at the end of the month! So if your base income that you need for expenses is $4,000, perhaps you want to set a goal of $6,000 per month so that you can afford the other things you’d like to invest in to make your life easier.
Bonus Tip: Instead of using typical words to describe the way you spend your money, write it in an abundant mindset.
For example, for rent or mortgage, say “Sanctuary.” For groceries, say “Delicious Organic food.” For car insurance, say “My private travel mobile.” Have fun with it! (I got this tip from the lovely Bari Tessler Linden.)
#3. Set a non-negotiable commitment. Like “I make $10,000 a month.” Make it somewhat of a stretch, but still believable. Then figure out how much of something you need to sell, or how many clients you need to get in order to make that happen.
Come up with a plan! If you want to make $10,000 next month, but you can’t imagine how that will happen, it won’t!
Can’t think of anything? Try asking your spirit guides for help. Start to wonder. Where is there money lying on the table just waiting to be claimed? Who have you not followed up with? Who can you call or email today?
I invite you to take out another piece of paper and journal down 20 ways you could possibly make money right now. See what comes up. Then take action.
Remember to act out of love and trust, not out of need or desperation. Money is an exchange of energy. You are getting paid for offering a service to the world.
Congrats on taking these huge steps. Once you know where you’re money is going, then you can start tracking what comes in. (More on that in an upcoming post!)
Think of your money as your great love. You are in a relationship with your money.
How would you treat the love of your life?
Try to incorporate habits that nurture your money. Pay attention to it, allow it to grow.
Take the time to implement all of these ideas and you’ll see a huge difference in the amount of money that comes into your life.
Now I’d love to hear from you! What tools from above will you be incorporating into your life to bring in more abundance? Leave a comment below with any tips that you use in organizing your finances. Do you do anything that I didn’t mention? Share it below. We can all benefit from your feedback.
Here’s to falling in love with your money!
PS. If you want to manifest even more money, stay tuned because I’ll be offering you some exclusive videos and downloadable pdfs in the next few weeks sharing the exact same tools that I use for manifesting! Make sure you’re on the list to be the first to know when they are released.