How I Manifested my Soulmate & Our Amazing Daughter
Let’s start backwards. Today I have a beautiful 9 month-old daughter with the man I have been totally in love with for the past 7 years. Today we are in a great committed relationship and truly support each other in raising our child and with our own creative endeavors. Yes it’s true: I actually intended for all of this to happen!
But it wasn’t always this way. Here’s my ‘not-so-crazy’ story on how I manifested my relationship and our daughter.
Go back to when I was 3 months pregnant – I had been asked to paint this piano for a public park in NYC as part of Sing for Hope:

Photo: Wendy Goodman for New York Magazine
When I was getting ready to plan my design for my piano, I looked around my studio for a big journal so that I could sketch it out. The largest one that I could find was an old sketchbook that I hadn’t opened in years. But it was perfect. I pulled it out, and to my surprise, tucked into the inside cover were folded pieces of paper where I had written out my intentions during a new moon manifestation ritual 5 years earlier! It was when my love and I had just started dating, and I had forgotten that this even existed. Here I was 3 months pregnant getting ready to read what I had written so long ago. I opened up the pages and got chills when I read this on the first page:

Well, the homes all over the world part is yet to come! But the rest was so incredible to read at that moment. We hadn’t yet found out the sex of our child, but in the end, it was a girl. I had always wanted a girl! I cried when I read it. Yes, I might have been extra emotional because I was pregnant. But it was so beautiful to see the power of my intentions and that everything had happened just as I had written it.

Photo by Angie Dykshorn
The lesson is:
There is power in getting clear on what you want to manifest in your life.
You have to know what you want in order to attract it to you. Otherwise things will keep showing up that you’re not so sure are the right fit because the universe hasn’t been told what to do. Even before writing the intentions above, I had made a list of all of the qualities I wanted in a soulmate. I still have that list, and my love fits the bill pretty closely. I always recommend people do this if they’re looking to attract someone into their lives. My big tip for manifesting anything is to take the time to sit with yourself and get clear on your vision. Then get specific and write it out.
Try this exercise:
Write down your intentions in all areas of your life:
- Home
- Relationships
- Work
- Travel & Leisure
- Health
- Spirituality
What do you truly want to create or manifest? Is it your soulmate? A gorgeous home on the beach? A successful art exhibition? Your own business? A healthy body? Practicing yoga everyday? Make sure to write in the present tense as if everything has already happened. You need to step into the vibration of already having what you want in order to attract it to you. It’s even more powerful if you do this during a new moon (which happens to be this weekend in Virgo.)
Here’s our new family just one week after our daughter was born:

Photo by Angie Dykshorn
So what do YOU really want to manifest in your life?
When was the last time you wrote out your intentions? Leave a comment in the box below with the one big thing that you want to create right now. Write it in the present tense as if it already is here. Declare it and the universe will come out to support you!