Why you're never too old or young to live your dream - Queen of Manifestation

Why you’re never too old or young to live your dream

I have to be honest. This week has been a tough one for me. My 86 year old grandmother’s boyfriend of 19 years passed away.

My grandma Bernice is my true inspiration – and her partner Marty has been a rock in her life. They fell in love late in life and made wonderful memories together. He took her on adventures around the world including her first trips to Asia, and to Europe on numerous cruises with him. They were true companions, embraced each other’s families, loved and supported one another.

You may be reading this just after a breakup, a divorce, or the loss of a loved one – as my grandmother had been faced with many moons ago when my grandfather passed, and now again with the passing of Marty. But my grandma found love again. And it was beautiful. And there is SO much love in her life still.

Below to the left is a picture of me and my grandma Bernice at Disneyworld when I was little. To the right is a picture of my mom, my grandma, me & my daughter. I almost feel like my grandma (now Gigi) is even more radiant now! 🙂


My grandma Bernice is my rockstar. She is always supportive, loving, and open to the wildest stories that my sister and I share with her. She never judges – never criticizes our choices. My mixed race relationship has brought her a beautiful great-grandchild who she absolutely adores.

Her only wish is that we are happy.

And that’s truly my wish for you too: Happiness.

Just this week my love and I watched a Deepak Chopra dvd all about Happiness. Isn’t that why we want to achieve all of our dreams anyway?

I hear a lot of my clients saying, “But I’m too old to start working on this now. What will people think? Or I don’t have the experience to make it a reality.” But that simply isn’t true.

Look at Claude Monet. Although he started painting in his 30s, it wasn’t until after his wife died when he was in his 40s that he made his famous works. Performance artist Marina Abramovic was 42 when her work truly got out into the world, and she’s now in the prime of her career at age 67.

After working a decade on a farm, Robert Frost published his first collection of poetry at age 39. Musician Charles Bradley just launched his career at age 62. He now plays concerts at festivals around the world at 65. Julia Child didn’t even learn to cook until she was 40, and started her TV show in her 50s. Then there’s author Louise Hay, who founded Hay House Publishing at age 58. She’s about to turn 87 and still goes on her ‘I Can Do It’ tour giving talks.

The list goes on and on…

You’re only as old as you think you are. And it’s never too late to start living your dream. 

My sister said recently on facebook, “Old” is when you stop being willing to grow + learn…. that’s why Grandma is so young!”

My grandma takes yoga classes (something totally new to her in the past 10 years), she’s learned to use new technologies, skypes with us, and yes, she’s even on facebook.


I want you to know that you’re not too old to do something new, change directions, or go for your big dream. It’s never too late or early. The time is NOW. Each new day is an opportunity to re-create yourself.

I’m giving you permission.

And on the flip side – you’re never too young to start either. Who said you needed more experience?

If you need proof, definitely watch the video below. It is SO worth the 5 minutes.
These amazing boys are already rockstars:

(Special thanks to my friends Project Inkblot for showing that video to me!)

We have a lot to learn from the youth.

This video got me thinking about how much we limit ourselves from dreaming big and going for our dreams. It made me want to be a better mom to my daughter – to encourage her passions, and to cultivate more of my own.

It made me remember the power of our imagination.

What kind of world would it be like if we all supported each other’s dreams and actually lived them out?

I just got off the phone with Jia Ni Teo for my Manifesting with the Masters: the Inner Art of Manifesting summit. She’s a women’s success coach who is making 6 figures doing what she loves at only age 21! Her clients certainly aren’t telling her that she has a lack of experience. She’s another shining example of going for it at any age. (By the way, if you haven’t yet signed up for this free series of interviews with 21 experts on manifestation, you can do so here.)

So now – it’ s time to live your dream.

You don’t need to know how. Just the what and the why. Especially if you’re working on your business.

There are so many moving parts to understand, that it might feel overwhelming at times. This is when having someone else who can show you the way comes in.

I was recently invited to be in a video called ‘Live Your Dream‘ for Marie Forleo. If you haven’t already seen it, you can watch it by clicking the image below. It’s part of a series of videos about why her program B-School totally rocks. If you’re even thinking about starting a business – or growing the one you currently have, you should definitely check out Marie’s work.

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You may have heard me say it before, but Marie Forleo’s B-School is truly the catalyst for why my business as the Queen of Manifestation exists.

So if you’re thinking about joining B-School, you should know that I’m offering a ton of amazing Manifestation Bonuses if you decide to sign up through me. Why? Because I’m a proud affiliate of B-School and if you invest in yourself through my link, I may receive a commission for it. And I honestly want to give back to you.

Click here to read my B-School review and find out the details of my special Manifestation B-School bonuses!

If you’re feeling called to bring out your bigger visions so that you can make a difference with your work, now is the time. With Marie Forleo’s B-School and my Manifestation Masters program, PLUS one-on-one time with me + incredible bonuses, the sky’s truly just the starting point.

Dream BIG. You might just actually manifest it. 😉

No matter what your big dream is – a business, a new creative artwork, an adventure, or more – I hope you got a TON of inspiration from my Grandma and those incredible kids Malcolm Brickhouse and Jared Dawkins. They are shining examples of what it means to be a rockstar… To live your dream at any age!

Sending you so much LOVE!

xoxo, Jen

P.S. If you want to check out my B-School Bonuses, click here. Registration opens tomorrow at 12pm EST, so make sure to mark that page to register there if you want to claim my bonuses.

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