How to Ask For What You Want AND Get It REPLAY! - Queen of Manifestation

How to Ask for What You Want AND Get It!

with Annette Saldaña
The Art and Science of Making Irresistible Requests.

On this call, Annette tells us:

  • How to ask the right way in order to get a YES
  • How to identify what blocks are holding you back from asking in the first place
  • Why waiting is actually counter-productive
  • The BIGGEST mistake people make when they ask
  • How to identify your archetype to help you in the ask
  • The 3 Reasons why you should ask for what you want
  • How being uncomfortable is actually a good thing
  • The 3 Beliefs you need to have BEFORE you ask
  • How to get rid of the fear of rejection once and for all!

Click here to download the recording

Download Annette’s Free Gift below:

The Irresistible Requests Cheat Sheet
your quick start + kick in the pants

xoxo, Jen