Apply to Work with Jen Mazer - Queen of Manifestation


Congratulations on taking this first step! 

Let me show you the fastest way to manifest more money and make a greater impact with your work.

All that you need to do is fill out the form below and click submit. We have the utmost respect for you and your privacy. This is a safe space to share in order for Jen to help you.

After you submit your responses, my team and I will review your application. If we feel you are a good fit, we'll be in touch to schedule time to chat.

Please Note: All of your information is strictly confidential and we will never share it with anyone. Ever.

I can't wait to read more about you to see how I can help you step into your dream life.



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Working with Jen has been the best decision for my business and life.

I've been in business for 10 years & I've grown more in the last 6 months working with Jen. I've consistently made more money every month and always exceeded my goals! I would not have up-leveled without her.

Jen is a clear, magical, intuitive and a super sharp business coach. Jen was the only business coach I have worked with who could see me, my potential and believed in me. She always gave me exactly what I needed and helped me to stay aligned to manifest what I want and what wanted to come through me. I recommend working with Jen 1000%. 

Elicia Miller

Elicia Miller

Founder, Core Emotional Healing

Jen opened my mind to endless possibilities. Anything can happen. You just need to believe it and let Jen guide you. Jen helped me manifest my dreams this year.

Scarlet Magda

Scarlett Magda

Founder of Veterinarians International

I would highly recommend anyone to work with Jen who wants a greater connection in life and to learn how to incorporate your purpose. She's the Queen of Manifestation!

Melissa Davis

Melissa Davis

Founder of

Jen, you surprised me and impressed me. So well done! I applaud you for what you're doing. You're making a difference and helping people everywhere.

Joe Vitale

Joe Vitale

NY Times Best-Selling Author and Star of the hit movie, 'The Secret'

Thank you so much for everything, Jen. Your razor-sharp focus was exactly what I needed to put my vision into action. I could see the end result clearly - I just didn’t know the steps.

You made everything so clear and precise, that I always knew just what the next right step to take was from week to week.

I trust you implicitly, and despite all appearances, I do not trust everyone the way I trust you!

You’re the BEST and I’d tell everyone with a dream or a vision, that they must use you (in fact I already have)!

Lauren Abrams

Lauren Abrams

Founder of